Emerson Retirees  

9/22/15 at the pavilion


43 showed up for the last luncheon at the pavilion for 2015. We paid for 45. Too  much food!  We’re having to adjust the price again (up to $10) even though we voted to keep Kendricks as our caterer.  Maybe we can find some price/quantity adjustment soon.  $5 next month as it’s pizza month.  Since we’re switching to the winter plan, the remainder of the pavilion beer was left for the raffle. Rick and Tony won those heavy clanking boxes.  We raffled off lots of $5 and $4.  Dohogne didn’t win this time.  We did have 3 birthdays and 1 anniversary.

My apologies for the pictures not being more “thought out” as I was using my $5 backup camera and was just doing a quick focus and shoot and hoping to get everyone in one or two pictures.  As they say, just snapshots in time.

“Then the old guy let loose a big one”...