My ancestry

Letters and Cards 1904 to 1945

and Pictures


This will be a continuing (and very slow to proceed) project so check back later for more stuff.

I’ve got lots of pictures too and will be dropping them on as I get to real order yet but random bites of time.

Marian B Momberger (Stevenson)

Harry and the Stevenson kids


A picture of a tank engine, I’m assuming.  This is probably why I think like I do!

This looks like mountains of engine parts

This is a tiny intricately whittled chain of boxes and balls.  I don’t know who whittled it but my guess is either Harry or Bud.

Carl Casper Momberger

This was a rare find.  Chistina Jacob Momberger (Harry’s Mom - 11/28/1856 - 9/14/1919) had an “Autographs” book that had signatures and short passages or comments in it from her friends over a span of several years.  She was between 18 and 31 when it was signed.  I’ve included some of the pages in the book.   Click on it to see the PDF version and the notes that I scanned. The dates on them range from 1874 to 1888.  This was the “Facebook” of their times.

Must be Harry on a tank?

Harry and Nellie and ?

This was a picture of uncle Bud...apparently on a date with “Virginia”.  I touched the picture along time ago with color.  I always liked this one.

Bud and Virginia

Bud, Betty, Jean and Marian shortly before Bud was killed... July 1941.  Bud was 21 when he was killed in a truck crash.